Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Workshop Continued 'English Lang'

  • Noun - The name of a person, place, thing, or idea.

  • Pronounpronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun. You use pronouns like.. he, which ,none , you

  • Subjective Personal PronounIyouhesheitwewhatwho, and they.

  • Verb - A doing work .. run, walk, jump etc

  • Adverb - speech e.g how?, in what way?, when?, where?

  • Adjective - A describing word e.g big, bold, small, hairy etc

    1. X-factors Katy W was trying to make emends after being accused of ending up in bed with Matt C, He wasn't happy.
    2. Sr Frgy r-fused 2 ans Q's abwt roo stayin @ UTD, roo dint wana sign a cntrct , madrd city n barca r suters burnbeau r likely. Despt tht denial, Q's bwt roo will nt go away.

    Thursday, 21 October 2010

    What is Graphic Design...appropriate, creative, obsessive, frustrating, organised, structured ... design lives in the detail.

    Design Project - Sirio Colour range : A campaign focussing on a series of neatly engineered self closing coloured boxes. the colours were carefully selected combinations from the Sirio range. Each box is die-cut and foiled with a series of circles and when combined create interplay between colours. the result is an object that explores paper through form, structure and experience.

    Skin and Bones - AFOM : This is a very Organised, Created and structured piece of work by 'A Friend of Mine'.

    Calligraphy Video : A really neat and detailed calligraphy painting, a lot of time and effort is put into it.

    Julian Vallee : a very creative piece of video i think some of his ideas are fantastic.

    Alex Fowkes - Misc : these are a couple of pieces from a young designer just finished university and some of the work he produces are so detailed and interesting.

    Ginger Monkey

    Johannes Ekholm 

    The Official Manufacturing Company - OMFGCO : this is some really well organised work as well as being simple and too the point.

    Wim Crouwel  - a very interesting piece that has over 500 words in that can be viewed by zooming in and out at different parts a lot of thought process and very organised.

    Huvi design : Huvi Typeface - a series of images showing the structure and development of the Huvi Typeface.

    What is Graphic Design...is the effective delivery of a message, idea or concept through design?

    Trash : a huge problem world wide so the best solution is to create an image all nations will understand and this is just that.

    Obama - Shepherd Fairey : This image as well as being one of my favourite pieces of work due to great colour combination and composition, delivers a message straight and clear, and it seemed to have worked.

    BP New Logo Design : i found this image on a website a while ago and as soon as i read this quote it came to mind the idea behind it is great.

    Duane King : as soon as i saw this work it caught my eye and i know it would catch any bodies eye, the colours are great let alone the huge 100% down the side which would make people think immediately 100% fruit/Vitamins, great graphic design.

    Huvi Design : High Blood pressure - This work jumps straight out at you with its big bold font and white text on red background, and clearly it is for high blood pressure again work that speaks for itself.

    I honestly couldn't think of a more effective piece of design these images are so graphic and unpleasant i can think why any one would continue smoking.

    El Lissitsky - Beat the White with the Red Wedge : a very famous Bauhaus piece from 1919 made as a propaganda poster to show the Intrusive red wedge i.e. the workers who are penetrating the whites i.e. capitalists/counter revolutionaries during the Russian civil war.

    What is Graphic Design....Simple but Effective?

    AFOM for Huddle design : very simple, bold and colourful piece of design work by AFOM - a friend of mine for a design company. 

    Richard Robinson : a very colourful and bold poster  using simple shapes and coloured lines to make a beautiful series of numbers 

    Albert Exergian : A very modern series of posters, around 20 all together. Using very bold colours, one for the back ground and a couple for the image in the poster, the series is very to the point and they speaks for themselves i think that is what's so amazing about these.

    Central Station, Fac Off : This design, one of a set of 6 different colour variants of the famous Fac Off Factory records image, i don't think an image could be more in your face, bold and effective and yet as simple as black text on a yellow background. One of the founders of Central station Pat Carroll was my Art Foundation tutor and i fell he influenced a lot of my work.


    Dropyx - Sixa piece of work created by Darren Firth from Six, using a beautiful combination of reds and greys to create a vague modern yet original style.

    John Taylor - Film the Blanks : a series of film poster that have been beautifully deconstructed to blocks of bold colours, the great things about these posters is you don't need any real image or text to know what the films are.

    Moon Day, Moon Night.

    Noma Barr : Political Studies - a very simple piece using famous US buildings to create the american flag, quite clever really.

    Paul Tebbot - Intergalactic

    Graphical House - SeedBomb : i found these very interesting the colours in each are beautiful on their own and the posters work incredibly well as a set. 

     Graphical House - A Neue Hope : Graphical house, Star Wars and Helvetica puns combined to make this outstanding piece of graphic design the work speaks for itself.